IMLEX Course Catalogue
Semester 1, University of Eastern Finland
UEF course descriptions (pdf)
- Core courses for all students:
- Photonics and Optics Fundamentals, 4 ECTS
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms (until 2021)
- Introduction to Algorithmic Data Analysis (2022 onwards), 4 ECTS
- Robotics and XR, 4 ECTS
- Physical Optics, 4 ECTS
- Eye Tracking, 4 ECTS
- English or Japanese or national language course, 2 ECTS
- Track specific courses:
- Lighting track:
- Mathematical Methods for Photonics, 4 ECTS
- Applications of Photonics, 4 ECTS
- Computational Imaging track:
- Color Science, 4 ECTS
- Advanced Spectral Imaging, 4 ECTS
Semester 2, KU Leuven / University Jean Monnet
Lighting track, KU Leuven
KU Leuven course descriptions (pdf)
- Lighting Science, 6 ECTS
- Lighting Technology, 6 ECTS
- Lighting Metrology, 3 ECTS
- Lighting Design, 6 ECTS
- Lighting Business, 6 ECTS
- English or Japanese or national language course, 3 ECTS
Computational Imaging track, University Jean Monnet
UJM course descriptions (pdf)
- Real-time 3D Visualization, 5 ECTS
- Real-time processing of Conventional/Non-ConventionalImage with GPU, 5 ECTS
- Complex Computer Rendering Methods in Real Time, 6 ECTS
- Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Algorithms, 5 ECTS
- Deep Learning and Computer Vision, 6 ECTS
- English or Japanese or national language course, 3 ECTS
Semester 3, Toyohashi University of Technology
TUT course descriptions (pdf)
Track specific courses
- Track specific courses:
- Lighting track:
- Human Sensation & Perception, 4 ECTS
- X Reality and Psychology, 4 ECTS
- Computational Imaging track:
- 3D Vision Computation, 4 ECTS
- Robotic Perception and Human-robot Interaction, 4 ECTS
- Core courses for all students:
- Data Science and Analysis, 4 ECTS
- Advanced Research Methods, 4 ECTS
- Japanese Communication Theory – Japanese language (for non-TUT students), 4 ECTS
- Case Study in Imaging and Light and XR, 8 ECTS
- Ethics for Researchers, 2 ECTS
- Elective course:
- Japanese Industrial Technologies and Innovations, 4 ECTS
Semester 4, Master’s Thesis, 30 ECTS credits
Hosted by one of the IMLEX partner universities or by industrial partners.